Interview with Pablo Sánchez Casinello

Spain Digital Lead de Pfizer

"Digital Therapeutics elevate digital health to the status of a medicine, fulfilling the expectations placed on digitalisation as an instrument for the improvement of our society, and pointing to a future and development for the benefit of patients that we have yet to glimpse".


Why did you decide to join the Digital Therapeutics Consortium, and what were the key factors that led you to this decision?

At Pfizer, we are committed to sustainable innovation, and in this regard, the Digital Therapeutics Consortium is an initiative with which we identified from the very beginning. Our goal is to promote digital therapies in Spain while ensuring the highest scientific rigor for their use by both patients and healthcare professionals. Innovation, including in the digital realm, must adhere to the highest standards of quality.

From the perspective of a promoting partner, what value do you gain by being part of the CDTx, and how has it benefited you so far?

The opportunity to learn and share experiences and lessons learned about Digital Therapies, both nationally and internationally, is one of the main benefits we gain as members of the CDTx. Simultaneously, it allows us to raise internal awareness about what digital therapies are and spark interest in their development and evolution.

What initiatives are you undertaking to promote the development and adoption of digital therapies?

At Pfizer, we have established a new unit called “Digital Health & Medicines,” focused on the search for digital solutions, ranging from diagnostic support tools and remote care to digital therapeutics.

If possible, could you share any specific digital therapy you are currently working on or have launched on the market? What features and benefits would you highlight?

Pfizer already has diagnostic support solutions available to the public, notably ResApp (, which has CE marking, although it is not yet approved in Spain. It has been tested in several clinical trials and uses artificial intelligence to help identify respiratory diseases through the analysis of breathing and coughing sounds. Additionally, in Germany, Pfizer has recently launched a reimbursable digital therapy in collaboration with the company Selfapy, which uses CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) techniques to help patients manage chronic pain.

What do you consider to be the main barriers to the widespread adoption of digital therapies? What measures are you taking to overcome them?

Undoubtedly, the main challenge is raising awareness about what digital therapies are and the benefits they offer to patients, healthcare professionals, and the healthcare administration itself. Emphasizing the scientific evidence that supports them and distinguishes them from other digital solutions proliferating in the market is crucial.

Lastly, we would appreciate it if you could draft a brief inspirational quote that summarizes your vision on the potential of DTx.

«Digital Therapies elevate digital health to the category of medicine, fulfilling the expectations placed on digitalization as a tool for improving our society, and pointing to a future and development that benefits patients beyond what we can currently envision.»

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