Interview with Silvia Maeso

Global Market Access and Pricing Senior Director

"The consortium is an important lever in the recognition of innovation, a group of experts motivated to disseminate the value of digital technologies in improving public health".


Why did you decide to join the Digital Therapeutics Consortium, and what were the key factors that led you to this decision?

Almirall is a company committed to research and innovation. Currently, there is an exponential increase in digital therapies and, therefore, a need to develop a legal framework that clarifies the health authorities’ vision of their use. It is crucial for us to justify the need to fund these therapies and assist in their adaptation/inclusion in health systems, specifically the Spanish system and its autonomous communities in this case.

From the perspective of a promoting partner, what value do you gain by being part of the CDTx, and how has it benefited you so far?

Other European countries already have pharmaceutical legislation in this regard, and we see the necessity of being part of a group of experts who have identified the need to dedicate resources and efforts to clarify the prescription and funding of digital technologies. European organizations are progressing in defining a legislative framework applicable to the entire European community for medicines, but also medical devices and DTx. We hope this helps in the rapid adaptation in our country, always aiming to achieve quick access for all patients who could benefit from better diagnosis, treatment, and disease control.

Regarding digital therapies, what are the main challenges you face as a company?

Our main challenge is to provide value to prescribers and patients, understand their needs, and develop technologies to achieve that benefit that leads doctors to make good use of them. We firmly believe that digital technologies can assist in patient data collection, whose analysis will help improve their treatment and doctor-patient relationship. Digital technologies allow the collection of patient data in clinical practice, complementing data generated in clinical studies, thereby informing research and, in the future, developing much more personalized treatments.

In which therapeutic areas are your digital therapies positioned? What prompted you to choose these areas?

Almirall’s R&D focuses primarily on dermatology. We seek to provide clinical value with new medications but also go further by offering treatments that improve the patient’s quality of life and well-being. We aim to alleviate skin conditions that can prevent patients from leading a healthy and full life. We believe that the use of therapies will help us better identify future areas where we need to research, such as currently unmet needs, treatment of comorbidities, personalized dosages, etc.

What opportunities and challenges do you foresee in the field of digital therapies for the coming years? How do you see their future in your therapeutic areas?

We see the urgent need to develop the legislative framework that the Consortium seeks to promote as a significant challenge. Achieving recognition and establishing these therapies as key tools in patient treatment is crucial. Another challenge is securing funding from health authorities so that therapies can be widely financed, allowing patients to benefit without limitations. Additionally, implementing a system for analyzing collected data and optimizing its utilization in an accelerated manner is essential.

What initiatives are you undertaking to promote the development and adoption of digital therapies?

A clear example is our membership in the consortium: a multidisciplinary team participates in meetings and working groups. We dedicate time and effort to stay close to prescribers to understand their needs and concerns and see how we can help them improve their clinical practice. We also collaborate with patient associations to understand their challenges. Additionally, we ensure internal resources and collaborate with other institutions and the academic world to develop these digital therapies, always aiming to add value to the medical community and reach as many countries and patients as possible.

If possible, could you share any specific digital therapy you are currently working on or have launched on the market? What features and benefits would you highlight?

At Almirall, we have conducted several pilots in dermatology, from which we have learned the complexity involved in developing DTx. This experience will help us focus correctly from the company’s perspective, always considering the needs of patients and doctors as beneficiaries. We recognize the long-term investments required to make these initiatives sustainable. Involving various areas within the company will be key: Commercial, R&D, IT, Data Analytics, etc.

What do you consider to be the main barriers to the widespread adoption of digital therapies? What measures are you taking to overcome them?

As mentioned earlier, key barriers include recognition of their use in clinical practice, diagnosis, treatment, and patient follow-up, the need to legislate their use, and the allocation of budgets to drive their adoption by governments.

Lastly, we would appreciate it if you could draft a brief inspirational quote that summarizes your vision on the potential of DTx.

«At Almirall, our primary mission is to transform the lives of people suffering from dermatological diseases. Committed to improving their health and well-being, we dedicate our efforts to the research and development of new therapies. The consortium is a crucial lever for recognizing innovation, a group of motivated experts working intensively to achieve recognition of the value digital technologies bring to public health. We couldn’t miss the opportunity to participate and look forward to significant advancements in the near future.»

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