The Community

Welcome to the Consorcio DTx community, a space created to share interviews with our partners where they talk about their perspectives and knowledge about DTx digital therapeutics and the work being done to promote these digital solutions in Spain.

Pablo Sánchez Cassinello

Pablo Sánchez Cassinello

Spain Digital Lead de Pfizer
‘Digital Therapeutics elevate digital health to the status of medicine, fulfilling the expectations placed on digitalisation as an instrument of improvement...’
Gemma Malla Salomó

Gemma Malla Salomó

Head of Digital Medicines Iberia, Angelini Pharma
‘The future of digital therapeutics is so promising that it is key to join forces to make an impact beyond what we could ever achieve...’
Israel Pizarro

Israel Pizarro

Head of Healthcare Affairs at Boehringer Ingelheim Spain
‘The future of disease care lies beyond traditional pharmaceuticals. With digital therapeutics, we can explore a world...’.
Silvia Maeso

Silvia Maeso

Global Market Access and Pricing Senior Director, Almirall. S.A.
‘The consorcio is for us an important lever for the recognition of innovation, a group of experts promoted with motivation to work intensively...’.
Gemma Estrada

Gemma Estrada

Head of Digital Health - Ferrer
‘Through technology, we weave a healthier and more equitable world. Digital health transcends geographical barriers, bringing the promise of ‘Health for All’ closer. ’
José María Maorera

José María Maorera

Director of Market Access and Public Affairs at Bayer Spain
‘Innovation is advancing much faster than the capacity to adopt it. This is why we need the joint efforts of companies, professionals...’.

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